Gosse Hill Hike

15 min to 20 min

820 m

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Moderate track
Starting from the Gosse Hill car park on Bucks Camp Track, Ngarkat, this walk takes you to the summit of Gosse Hill and back via the Gosse Hill Hike. This short, moderately easy walk takes walkers to the summit of Gosse Hill in the southwestern corner of Ngarkat Conservation Park, showcasing the park's characteristic mallee health vegetation and offering spectacular views across the low hills and open country of the park's interior. A variety of birds can be seen along the trail in spring, as well as colour­ful displays of wildflowers. Western grey kangaroos and emus are also commonly seen in the park. This walk consists of narrow walking trails with uneven natural surfaces and short steep hills, suitable for average fitness levels. Let us begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we travel today, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present.
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